Absolutely resonate with this! Your own evolution mirrors my own. It's time to move beyond the divisive rhetoric and find common ground. Let's build bridges, not walls.

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Miss you on X, Aja. (I use another name there). Glad to see you here. X is a hellsite. I totally get it.

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I'm an X refugee (permanently banned and stand by what I said) and I miss Terf Twitter! So happy to see familiar faces here!

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Start a new account! I can help you regain your followers. I took time off X for Lent and I missed the updates. There were some roundups of gender critical news here on Substack, maybe through Reduxx’s account? I felt cut off.

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Sometimes I want to start mine again to do it better. If I did I’d do it this way: use private lists (you can set them that way) to organize by topic). The issue I have with X is that it leaves my brain spinning because I bounce from topic to topic. If I didn’t have it all mixed in my feed (from following accounts instead of having them organized by topic in private lists), I compartmentalize my use a bit better. Or that’s my theory. 😂

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The thing is, I'm much happier not spending time on that hellsite. LOL

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Yes. I agree with almost everything. There are many of us, I think. But while I can't vote for Trump, my feeling is that it's not so much a New Left that we need to rebuilt, it's a New Center. We need to get out of this binary thinking--Left versus Right. I think people of our persuasion should start having a dialogue with people on the right--again, not necessarily to move to the Right, but to acknowledge that this politics is unsustainable and it's dividing our countries. (Speaking of which, my understanding is that you are from England; I am Romanian-American, but now I live in France and I still care a lot about what is happening in the US). We need to reaffirm a new way of looking at our identities, a way that refuses this "rainbow" obsession with genitalia (LGBT) and reaffirms our traditions. I am not a traditionalist, but as you said, to celebrate the identities and traditions of non-Europeans, while teaching Westerners self-hate is sick and self-destructive. This needs to change.

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I don't think left and right makes sense anymore. It's more authoritarian vs liberal. Puritan vs heretic.

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Orwellians vs normies

Elite vs populist

Ultrawealthy vs working/middle class

Mentally dysfunctional vs mentally non-dysfunctional

SSRIs vs non-medicated


see NS Lyons on substack, and many others, such as this Australian:


gordonhahn. com /2021/04/29/the-new-american-communo-fascism-and-its-postmodernist-roots/

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Small p puritan. Big P Puritans were nothing like the caricature. Puritans held strong beliefs and exercises discipline within their community. The puritans of today attempt to impose their fad of the moment on all others. Just a niggle.

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Exactly. And everyone who doesn’t get it may give Trump another chance

Absolutely ridiculous and dangerous. The left and right are not the same.

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Controlled insider cult puppets on both sides

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I have never had a right wing authoritarian do anything more than engage me in conversation. And stop when I say I am not interested. Leftist progs have destroyed many industries in my region. I deal with left wing propaganda and bureaucracy virtually every day of my work life.

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I was talking about those who make it through rigged elections tend to be controlled.

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My previous leftism is called into question every damn day because I disagree with what’s going on now. The Left is pushing me to the Right… who, much to my surprise, aren’t the evil people I always thought they’d be. They’re actually more open minded because, in the US at least, they’re used to being the minority view (the left controls entertainment and other institutions so it’s more dominant, even when not in power politically). They are more aware of their opponents’ arguments and can discuss things without having a meltdown.

Anyways. I’ll be rereading this later. Well done.

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Yes I feel the same. I want to have honest conversations even if I disagree - especially if we disagree I relish a debate I always have. I thought that was what politics was about. I am sick of the worst faith interpretations of everything I say or do. The straw manning. The anti-intellectualism. The classism. The assumption that I am some ignoramus who when told the way, and the light of our lord and saviour Karl Marx, will renounce my sinful ways. They don't believe me when I say I come from the left - that my dad was a Marxist and I studied Marist theories at Goldsmiths College. I have been saturated in this my whole life.

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You have a much deeper background in the Left than I do. But we’re all questioned. Just here on Substack last week I was called a Russian bot, or something, because I don’t bow down for gender ideology. They’ve lost their damn minds, and will be in for a hell of a shock when it bites them on the ass after an election. (Sadly the GOP has a way of missing opportunities by falling on its face, though, so who knows… maybe it won’t work out the same in the US as it is in Europe.) It all just strikes me as being unsustainable. Everything the Dems want right now, the far Left.

I saw a video this morning on X of Judith Butler talking with Cornell West about how they need a “communist ontology” to deal with climate change, or something. She’s against personal liberty. She’s said it. And Cornell West was agreeing with her. Alarm bells need to be ringing.

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She’s not against personal liberty. And she means “communal.” You mistake stubbornness for acuity. Also the Star Wars side buns were how many decades ago now?

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I don’t need you to tell me what I heard.

The pic references 30 Rock. I could actually care less about Star Wars, but way to try to get under my skin with that. 🤷‍♀️

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Jun 11
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lol. You’re the guy who reposts Aaron Rupar. 😂

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Learn what Gell-Mann Amnesia is, and then reconsider everything you ever thought you knew about "the Right".

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I think I've heard of this before. Katie Herzog used to talk about it on the Blocked & Reported podcast sometimes, maybe not by name though.

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Yes it is very isolating when you finally start using your brain and realise you're in a deranged cult. It was the trans thing that did it for me; it's a cult within a cult. And Covid - i don't know how could anyone live through that and not question things. But we're the stupid conspiracy theorists, eh? 😉

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We are living in the upside down.

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We have woken up and it's a lonely place to be.

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Because you don’t know where you are. Dumbest thread today.

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Why are you on here if it's so dumb? You're the one leaving dumb comments ya fuckin div!

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Yes…. You are 🙋🏼‍♀️

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I am a hard core Liberal. The old fashioned type. Leave me alone, I will leave you alone. Use the lightest touch in government. Go to war ONLY in an emergency, a real one. Not a theoretical one. Absolute free speech. Pro VETTED immigration provided the immigrants intend on assimilating. And so on. And I believe budgets need to be as close to balanced as possible. Don’t spend money you don’t have. And I am very pro family. All of which 50 years ago would have made me a moderate lefty. Now? Apparently I am a right wing fanatic! Who knew? So many of my left identifying friends moved left, into loony bin territory, as the left moved that way.

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Wow relate to quite a bit of this, that’s for sure! Two of the biggest issues for my union membership was actually being against obligatory pronoun use and anti mandatory vaccines to work. These issues really forced me to think when I was still in left groups, I was like yeah I’m definitely missing something! Thanks for sharing your experience.

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This. All of this.

And cross-posted.

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Thank you!

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Of course! You're welcome.

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Alternately, you're still a leftist - it's just that the left has gone too far left for you to handle. So you join the right with your leftist attitudes, thus pulling the right further to the left, which also makes the far left seem less extreme than they are.

End result: everything shift to the left.

The true dichotomy should be between those who think we should be ruled by other people (which includes everyone on the 'right' and the 'left') and those who stick to basic moral principles like property rights, personhood rights etc.

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That is where most of my rightie friends are. None of my left friends. We all want to be left alone to make our own decisions. If you are trans I am Happy to call you Mary, not Fred. I don’t care what you wear. But if you ask me ‘do you think I am a woman’? I will answer ‘Nope’. And I won’t have a problem walking around with you dressed as you want. About 18 years ago I met a gay friend, very wiry and tough, for a coffee. He showed up in a Laura Ashley print dress, mid rise sandals, fake pearls. He was a part time actor I asked if he were just off a shoot. He explained this is just how he felt he had to present himself from time to time. He didn’t claim to be a woman. He asked me if it bothered me. I said I don’t tell my friends how to dress. That was that. Later I told right wing friends about the meetup. They were appalled. They asked ‘So he thinks he is a woman?’ I said ‘No. he feels it is necessary for him to bring that side of him out once in awhile.’ ‘Does he expect me to think he’s a woman?’ ‘No. Nothing to do with you.’ The overwhelming response was ‘whatever, if that is what he wants, go for it’. Nobody cared provided they didn’t have to play along. Right wingers. My right wing friends really all have a degree of libertarian in them. They are okay with whatever you are or want to be. Leave children out, don’t make them have to indulge you, and you can be anyone you want.

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Almost there Plato…. Almost.

In a place like the US where we are lead to believe politics is a unidimensional concept and the left right split is close 50/50, the biggest ramification is increasing polarization which swings back and forth like a pendulum.

Although some are able to entertain oppositional concepts together without adherence to either, most will at the same time overlook or ignore the importance of additional dimensional axis into the equation- such as the authoritarian/libertarian one you mention.

Here’s what’s most interesting about the political compass… when polarization widens on either axis, it causes similar polarization on the other axis as well.

Wider swings of the left/right pendulum will eventually stop on either side, with that result delivering totalitarianism to the entire system. I don’t know about you, but I personally find all flavors of totalitarianism equally repugnant.

Stability happens with a balancing act on both axis with the intention of moving the split point toward the center. Everything is negotiable.

Politics is never a zero sum game, and when ideological capture allows any governmental body to pretend it is and manifest through fear, coercion and violence… it’s already too late.

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I don’t subscribe to the left right pendulum thing because each ‘extreme’ is the same (government tyranny).

Socialism is government tacking over business and fascism is business taking over government. It’s the same thing.

The REAL pendulum has been swinging towards big government for centuries. It has never swung back towards smaller government and a return to property rights and equality under the law (no government).

Left/ right is just a ruse to convince people there is change when there is no change. Coke vs Pepsi is not a choice. Coke vs water is a choice.

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You just N A I L E D it.

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There is right wing politics and there is genuine small c conservative. Small c as in not a political party. There is a left and a right. Stephen Harper was a small c conservative, and a politician. He was very religious but had no desire or need to push that on anyone. But he is rare. Left wing though used to be that. Let people live as they want. Left politicians and the left in general is anything but that now. What we used to call Liberal is close to what small c conservative is now. Many if not most of us who are conservatives now were original liberals forty years ago. And strangely i am guessing 65-75% of the general population live small c conservative lives. We should dominate politically. We dominate practically in most fields as it is. But we are underrepresented politically.

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Yeah and right now it’s apple juice or beach. Cannot believe this thread.

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And in the US, Joe Biden is either so stupid or so uninformed about the issue that he believes that mutilating gay children in the name of

"gender affirming care" is somehow like the civil rights struggle of the 1960's. He doesn't understand or care that this is exactly the approach that our sworn enemy Iran uses in its futile attempt to stamp out homosexuality.

Donald Trump is equally stupid and uninformed but he at least is surrounded by people who would do the right thing to save the children (ban gender affirming care for those under 18) even if for the wrong reasons. It's unbelievable but a vote for Trump in this case is a vote for sanity.

In addition to the mutilation of children and the insanity of men competing in women's sports the issue of privacy is equally troubling. In my opinion the worst aspect of Biden's new Education Act Title IX regulations that go into effect on August 1 of this year is that boys and men will be able to to shower with high school and college girls (including my 17 year old granddaughter). They will have no shame in doing that when it's perfectly legal.

Here's an analysis of the new regulations by the Foundation Against Intolerance and

Racism (FAIR):

"The Final Rule is likely to result in sex-integration of all bathrooms and locker rooms because it prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity. After August 1st, if a school requires students to use facilities that align with their biological sex (which they are currently allowed to require under Federal law and regulations), a transgender student may file a discrimination complaint alleging that the school has violated Title IX by preventing him or her from using the bathroom that aligns with their gender."

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Biden is stupid, but also clearly has dementia, and the two are a dangerous combination.

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He also has a nasty disposition. He always has had. A nice smile. But he is filled with hatred. He hated blacks when it was okay. He hated gays when that was allowed. Now he hates conservatives and Christians.

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Lippy, good writing piece. I am a former Leftist. I loved the radical times until I began to watch my friends die, one by one, back in the 1980's and 1990s in San Francisco. The party was over and it was not a nice ending. My beloved friends, gone. My youth, shattered. My faith, sobbing. Even tonight, June 10, 2024, I somehow peeved a handful of LGBT folks, not intentionally but they were peeved, nonetheless. I want people to live their life and let me live mine. I do not advocate violence of any kind. I want to be left alone. I am not perfect in any way, I am not better than anyone because of my race or my faith. I love the freedom to decide my life, good or bad. As a friend says, "stay off my lawn!" I will do the same. WEW

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You make good points.

There is a black guy on YouTube that makes fun of BLM.

It's a perfect example of what happens once people in leftist organizations actually start to pay attention to what is being said.

His channel is "Barricade Garage."


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I wish both "sides" could look towards the middle and just stand together. Banish the crazies. We don't have to agree on everything. Just not the fringes. I'm convinced there's a supermajority lurking somewhere within us (as a country).

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Well said, Sis. x

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From across the pond (that’s what they say, right, or is it dated?), I’m a 74 year old woman who marched in the 70’s for women’s rights, voted Democrat all my life and have now silenced myself because my friends and family cannot recognize any change whatsoever in the liberal left. Any criticism I have of these new destructive political causes is heretical and as everyone knows, grounds for excommunication. These causes are not what I fought for my whole life - rights of the working class, wage inequality, affordable childcare, etc. For everyone, not just those with special demographic or “intersectionality” claim!

At my age, I can’t afford to be isolated, so I’ve learned to stay quiet. However, this article I’m going to print and hand out. You, author, demonstrate that my beliefs are not related to my aging, fossilized brain, not limited to stupid old white people and not limited to the hopelessly deplorable United States of America. Thank you.

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Your story is my story, more or less, Lippy. Subscribed.

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Not 2+2 = penis! This resonates very much. I’m an American and former leftist who will be voting for Trump in November. If you would have told me that back in 2020, I would have never believed you — and probably called you a Nazi. Thanks for sharing your experience.

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