The only group who has driven me towards the right is the left. It is their behaviour over the past 8 years, offline, online wherever you look. Their piety. Their stupidity. Their downright boorishness. They're vandals; literal vandals. Rome is burning while they throw open the gates.
I know they don't believe me but I used to stand in their shoes. I was a remoander and then, to my eternal shame, I was infected by Trump derangement syndrome. What pulled me out of the psychosis wasn't Nigel Farage or Donald Trump, it was NPR. Awakening to their bias.
To hear them defend Barrack Obama, who deported more black and brown people than Bush. But but but. I never knew what a hawk he was. How many he had killed with drone strikes in the Middle East. I didn't know then what drove people to vote Obama drove them to vote Trump. Change.
It was also a lecture from a very good friend, a Brexiteer. She’d had enough of hearing me rant and rave about how thick and misled people like her were. I realised these weren’t some bogeymen straw man. They were my friends and family. The people that I loved. I thank her every day for that, it made me stop and think.
Then the left started saying women had dicks. That lesbian feminists were Nazis. Then came the lockdown. The Science. The Masks. The apartheid state that everyone seems to have forgotten about. The one I ended up on the wrong side of, locked out of society for refusing to conform.
It was my leftists TERF 'mates' who enforced Tory government policies on me. Who said I was a conspiracy theorist and an anti-vaxxer cos I questioned the state; and the states all over the world walking in lockstep. At the behest of the billionaire class and the FTSIE 100.
I never quite got over that stain. That guilt by association. Even when I was proved right about everything. Even as the bodies piled high and they admitted it was the injections what done it. Is it cos I'm from a council estate? I musta been too dumb to figure it out myself.
Then came October the 7th. The denial, dismissal and minimisation of the rapes by my feminist mates. The Islamists in their ranks that you must never mention, less they call you another name they just made up to silence critics of their idiotic ideas.
Meanwhile all the while we have been fighting to make an indifferent society see what is happening to women. How have most men on the left reacted? Told me to shut my stupid fucking mouth. This happened to me the day after Oct 7th. I’m sorry if I refuse to be lectured. This is how the left treats heretics who refuse to believe lesbians have dicks and kids can consent to sex change operations.
While men on the right? They GET it. Most of it. Maybe not the misogyny side but most men can never see past this blind spot. Who has platformed us? Who has spoken about this? With a few notable exceptions its men on the right. And I KNOW its a culture war for them, its politics.
But so what. This is an existential battle so much bigger than just trans. If you can't see the connections yet I suggest you check out thinkers like Jennifer Bilek. The Terven Cassandra who woke many of us up years ago, and thank Goddess she did! It’s the deconstruction of humans as sexually dimorphic species to usher in the 4th Industrial Revolution, and the merger of man and machine. Wake up people this is not a drill.
The most frustrating thing for me is that I am genuinely not right wing. Not that it's a shameful position, it's just that I'm not. I am no longer a socialist because I think, unfortunately, it inevitably leads to communism and I see what that requires. The conformity & obedience.
Like many on the left I find myself increasingly pushed out. Labelled. Shamed and slurred. I see how those on the right are treated and I am disgusted. There is nothing wrong with nationalism. Why are the English one of the only countries who cannot fly their flag?
Why must my identity be framed in colonialism and white supremacy? Why can't I balance that with pride for the beautiful things my country made. Like Cathedrals, or Shakespeare, or the Indian National Railways. If Identity is so important for others, why the double standard?
I can be proud of my bisexuality but not my country? How does that work? If my girlfriend waves her Jamaican flag those on the left cheer but if she dares show her Union jack they wince. And me? Could I wave my England flag anywhere? Not a chance! Not that I even want to.
I'm not a flag shagger, I am cautious about celebration of identity. I don't think it leads anywhere good. It causes factionalism and splits; to civil hands making civil hands unclean. Case in point the SNP. But why can't the English show national Pride? If everyone else can.
Am I proud to be British? Not really no. Why would I be proud of any of my innate characteristics? It all seems pretty narcissistic to me. By the same token I won't feel ashamed to be British. I didn't ask to be born, none of us do. We should be proud of what we achieve in life.
If you think Nationalism is irrelevant maybe ask the Indians what they thought of their Maharajas when they sold their country to the East India Company. Those so ashamed of their own country they pretended they were English. Sad truth. People who hate their country and their culture don't last long.
Our neo-liberal elites seem now to hate their country just as much as those fellas did. And what have they done? They sold it off piece by pitiful piece. They sold our gold, our railways, our NHS. We are hollowed out. Look around, it's in such a state. Have you seen the the high street?
Do you remember when we taught others to hate their cultures? When we groomed them and told them they were barbarians in need of civilization? To hate the colour of their skin and see it as inherently sinful? Sound familiar?
They say history very rarely repeats but it nearly always rhymes.
So multi-billion dollar brands like Coca-Cola are telling me to be less white while those who grew up rich, with servants, lecture me about privilege, and this is the left?
Labour abandoned the working class for the middle class, meaning that the proletariat have no political representation. When the right woo them with policies to their benefit, like reducing immigration, they're abused. It's cruelty beyond imagination to me. Like a parent who kicks their kids out at 14 then calls them a whore when they're trafficked and raped.
If the workers lack class based consciousness whose fault is that? It's theirs! They abandoned class politics for identity politics, fracturing the working class along race lines, setting us at each other's throats. Divide and conquer the oldest trick in the ruling classes play book.
The middle class sit like squatters in the house that we built calling us Nazi, calling us fascist, calling us gammon. It makes sense. If you steal someone's stuff you have to slur them, if only to justify the heist.
So if you’re feeling like me and you’re sick of this shite why don’t you take the leap and leave? Whether you’re a TERF, a jew, a Covid sceptic, or something else entirely. Join me and millions more in exile as we fight to restore the norms we all once took for granted. They want to gaslight you and make you doubt your senses. To tell you that 2+2 = penis. Don’t let them. Remember there are many many more of us than them. We just need to be brave, stand our ground and find our new tribe. The new left.
Come. Join us. Or if you can’t, if you’re right wing and disagree, at least subscribe to my Substack. Let’s talk and model the behaviour of a society we would all like to live in.
Absolutely resonate with this! Your own evolution mirrors my own. It's time to move beyond the divisive rhetoric and find common ground. Let's build bridges, not walls.
Yes. I agree with almost everything. There are many of us, I think. But while I can't vote for Trump, my feeling is that it's not so much a New Left that we need to rebuilt, it's a New Center. We need to get out of this binary thinking--Left versus Right. I think people of our persuasion should start having a dialogue with people on the right--again, not necessarily to move to the Right, but to acknowledge that this politics is unsustainable and it's dividing our countries. (Speaking of which, my understanding is that you are from England; I am Romanian-American, but now I live in France and I still care a lot about what is happening in the US). We need to reaffirm a new way of looking at our identities, a way that refuses this "rainbow" obsession with genitalia (LGBT) and reaffirms our traditions. I am not a traditionalist, but as you said, to celebrate the identities and traditions of non-Europeans, while teaching Westerners self-hate is sick and self-destructive. This needs to change.