Jun 22Liked by Lippy

Fantastic essay, Lippy, you've laid bare the stinking misogyny of the UK Gay Elites. I hope this is shared far and wide, and that these men are ostracised. Love to you and Aja and thank you for your bravery in speaking out about Rudy the toxic lesbophobic prick, Dennis the misogynist and Clive the...

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What he said about her is absolutely disgusting.

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Thanks for laying it all down. I still think the thing that upset Doyle the most is that I did not know who he was. How dare I

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Don't put words in my mouth or I'll put my dick in yours is a vile retort.

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Both of you have had all my respect for years now, and it makes me very sad that you have been attacked by these misogynists. Sadly, there have always been clues about some of them but we as a community give way too many free passes to men who do the bare minimum lip service to our cause. We have to stop this. Because what happened to the 2nd and 3d wavers has happened to us - again. Anti-feminists infiltrated our grassroots resistance - either for personal gain, glory or ability to do damage to our cause - and we yet again find ourselves othered from our own movement, as “ultras”. Just like Germaine Greer, Andrea Dworkin and others, and look what a dog’s dinner those who ousted and othered them have made of feminism. And yes, “suck my d*ck”s are front and centre there too, only theirs are in balaclavas while ours have no shame at all, feeling bulletproof just because they misappropriated the label GC while enforcing gender stereotypes and using them to harass and silence women. Solidarity to you both and thank you Lippy for explaining this so well. We have to start all over again, hopefully a bit wiser about men this time around. Which wave are we on now? 🫠

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I'm on a hybrid wave, Scap. Mainly 1st wave MO. Practical.

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Jun 22Liked by Lippy

Feel silly asking but I can’t find the audio? Fwiw how you’ve laid it out is pretty much how I saw it and was particularly disappointed in Fred he blocked me I must’ve liked the wrong tweet. Any way fully support you and Aja

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Audio is at the very top of the article. Click on the photo of Rudy (that's how it is on my phone at least).

Excellent article, by the way, Lippy, thank you. I was out of action when some of this stuff kicked off so it was really helpful to get the chronology and origins.

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It’s not embedded for me for some reason and every time I open it it looks different must be my settings.

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I can’t access it on an iPhone 11 either.

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As an American who is ProReality, Holding the Line, Dyke for the Ages and unafraid to call out hypocrisy wherever I see it, Fred has been a misogynist forever. The fact that a few who are brain dead with large platforms (like the now-divorced straight comedy Irish television writer-turned-pretend-GC-ally) have given Fred a higher visibility to continue lying about his role as some GC ally while ripping into real women who actually DO hold the line, is just one pathetic display of how straight men are guilty just like these gay journalists and dick-focused and woman hating the troll creep Lippy has named here.

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Tl;dr a man resorted to using insults and threats against a woman detailing graphic acts of a sexual nature. THIS IS NOT OK.

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Same old shit, different day. Kavanagh and Doyle and Hayton. Pathetic. And the tosser Rudy. We just need Fred and India and there you have it, Mrs Palm and her five daughters. Gay men really need to sort out their misogyny.

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Jun 24Liked by Lippy

It shouldn't need to be said, but rape threats have no place in any kind of women's rights movement.

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I would pay to smack this disgusting pos in the fucking teeth.

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In light of this post my partner and I are sitting down watching Aja's poetry and rants this morning.

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So, so predictable. Thank you Lippy and Aja. Pull off the stinking plaster covering the festering wound of woman hatred and self hatred in gay men for not being masculine enough. Enough. Women have had enough.

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I’m quite speechless. This was so engaging, emotive and enraging all at once. You’re right when you say we see these men as brothers, as family. They’re in the fight with us. And so it’s gut wrenching to hear something so viscerally repugnant from a man who screams from the rooftops that his goddess of a mother raised him right and to respect women.

I’d love to know what her reaction would be to that audio. Perhaps she would make an excuse for son and scream homophobia and misandry in return.


He’s disgraced the mother he so often laments, praises and credits for his so called activism.

I’m so sorry Aja and you had to hear and digest his words.

I can’t imagine how the two of you feel, though this cutting essay lets us in for a while.

Keep safe.

Much love to the both of you, you’re inspirational and beyond words x

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The whole thing is very depressing and goes back decades. Unity between lesbians and gay men is as fragile as the most fragile ego in the mix (usually a male one) and turns into civil war without much prompting. ☹️

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There was never any sense in linking lesbians with gay men. I know the arguments for the LGB teaming but the arguments are stupid and always were stupid knowing what we know about men. Shoot me now for saying so.

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I completely agree with you. I've always seen it as a marriage of convenience for them not us. What have we actually got from being associated with gay men? We have always been 2nd class for them and lGb organisations. You only have to look at the budgets to see how little they valued us. Lesbians always but always were at the bottom of the pile. We are just support humans for far too many men straight and gay.

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Over and over again I am reminded how happy I am that I'm not on the "Axis of Evil", and never have been. (Twatter/Facebook/Insta, whatever stupid name they call themselves this week). Hardly any actual Terf Ultras I know in rl are on them, either. Or WhatsApp, or any of these toxic platforms. We meet in person, and use good old fashioned communication - phone and email. Terfs, fgs, get off there and use spinster.xyz instead, (or GETTR if you like chatting with American Terfs). Any platform created by men is going to champion them, and the more abusive they are the more clicks, so it drives the algorithm and the adverts. Spinster is founded and run by women, and GETTR is founded by guys from the dissident Chinese diaspora, & there's zero porn on either platform, and its simple to block trolls. Just....leave. Use women's spaces, use small platforms, fxxx Musk that Transhumanist Chinese government asset, let the abusers circle jerk with themselves.

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Stella, there are tons of great connections for real terfs on all the SM media you shun. Like any of them, all one needs to do is learn how to use them. I removed myself from Gettr and call it 'Gutter'. Spinster is controlled by two AGP- loving protectors of the 'middle ground' and very few who actually hold the line are even in there.

This well written reportage by Lippy shines a glaring light on an age-old issue that rarely gets spoken about. That she is able to provide the receipts with so much background and thoroughness is because of the SM platforms that exist where these guys expose their disgusting selves.

Other platforms where they pop up is in the YouTube Comments sections and LIVE CHAT boxes. We have so many possibilities in SM where people tend to provide their best and their worst traits, but they are mostly just snapshots of personality rather than full-on analysis. Lippy is bringing out her best game insights on this one. Isn't this what you Brits would call ' a Banger'? 😉

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I was monstered, my friends and their families were monstered, my professional associates had their businesses threatened, I was publicly cancelled, and my outlet blackmailed to cancel me or they would lose their funding. I've been at the heart of the TRA whirlwind, it was traumatic, it changed my life in many ways, including financially (not for the better). "Irreversible Damage" - and it was all orchestrated on that dreadful platform.

I know DJ and Aja, I've met them several times, done artwork for them and admire them hugely for their stand on the class aspect of the TransCult. I'm already sharing DJ's article on the platforms I'm on. I am appalled at the constant abuse Terfs suffer on Twatter just to hold the line. It will never stop, because misogyny will never stop. I'm very involved in POW

now, and that doesn't require me to be over there.

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Twitter can be awful as can any social media platform. But the problem isn’t the platform. It’s the misogyny that men like Rudy refused to acknowledge or deal with.

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I know you were treated dirty, Stella. It was horrible and you've come out if it all like the strong campaigner that you are! I'm so glad you are involved with POW and the support you've given to so many at this point since you jumped into this fray. There are never the requirements to be on any SM platform but ALL of them have their own levels of toxicity. Learning to navigate their landmines can be exhausting, too.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22


My only criticism is that you are far too kind about these woman-hating ghouls. When I challenged Rudy about men using toilets for sexual pick ups and how it made taking my boys to the swings a safeguarding effort he said there is a guide (written) for men about which toilets are pick up toilets. Zero morals. Yet the first I'd seen him on a Benjamin Boyce vid he'd appeared very decent. Another Jekyll and Hyde. Put not your faith in men. #allmen The burden of proof in on them. Their reputation is in the gutter. They earned that reputation and if there is a mensch out their unfortunately he has to live with the burden of the sick reputation other men have earned for the male sex

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